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72.Hu SL, et al. Imbalance of Ca2+ and K+ fluxes in C6 glioma cells after PDT measured with scanning ion-selective electrode technique. Lasers in Medical Science. 2014 Jan 24(2013 IF 2.402)全文下载

71. Chen P , et al .Physiological Mechanisms for High Salt Tolerance in Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) from Yellow River Delta, China: Photosynthesis, Osmotic Regulation, Ion Flux and antioxidant Capacity. PLoS One,2013,8(12):e83227(2013 IF 3.73)全文下载

70.Hu Y, et al.Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance.The plant journal,2013,74(5):730-745. (2012 IF 6.582)全文下载

69.Luo J, et al.Nitrogen metabolism of two contrasting poplar species during acclimation to limiting nitrogen availability.Journal of Experimental Botany,2013 Aug 20. (2012 IF 5.242) 全文下载

68.Liu J, et al.Inhibition of cadmium ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells by a wall-bound form of silicon.New Phytol,2013 Sep 18. doi: 10.1111/nph.12494. (2012 IF 6.736)全文下载

67.Ma DM, et al.Co-expression of the Arabidopsis SOS genes enhances salt tolerance in transgenic tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Protoplasma,2013 Sep 11. (2012 IF 2.855)全文下载

66.Chen J, et al. Nitric Oxide Mediates Root K+/Na+ Balance in a Mangrove Plant, Kandelia obovata, by Enhancing the Expression of AKT1-Type K+ Channel and Na+/H+ Antiporter under High Salinity. PLoS ONE,2013,8(8): e71543.(2012 IF 3.73)</span>全文下载

65.Zhao M, et al.An investigation of the effect of a magnetic field on the phosphate conversion coating formed on magnesium alloy. Applied Surface Science,2013,282:499–505.(2012 IF 2.103)全文下载

64.Ma YL, et al.Ectomycorrhizas with Paxillus involutus enhance 1 cadmium uptake and tolerance in Populus × canescens. Plant, Cell & Environmnet,2013,13.doi:10.1111/pce.12183.(2011 IF 5.215)全文下载

63.Wang MJ, et al.Overexpression of PeHA1 enhances hydrogen peroxide signaling in salt-stressed Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2013,3(71):37-48.(2011 IF 2.838)全文下载

62.Zhang HC, et al.The calcium sensor PeCBL1, interacting with PeCIPK24/25 and PeCIPK26, regulates Na+/K+ homeostasis in Populus euphratica. Plant Cell Reports,2013,32(5):611-21.(2010 IF 2.279)全文下载

61.Xu WF, et al. An improved agar-plate method for studying root growth and response of Arabidopsis thaliana. Scientific Reports,2013,3:1273.全文下载

60.Meifang Li, et al. Glycine betaine-mediated potentiation of HSP gene expression involves calcium signaling pathways in tobacco exposed to NaCl stress. Physiologia Plantarum,2013,DOI:10.1111/ppl.12067(2012 IF 3.014)全文下载

59.Jie Luo, et al.Net fluxes of ammonium and nitrate in association with H+ fluxes in fine roots of Populus popularis .Planta,2013,237(4):919-31(2011 IF 3.0)全文下载

58.Chen Y, et al.Overexpression of OrbHLH001, a putative helix-loop-helix transcription factor, causes increased expression of AKT1 and maintains ionic balance under salt stress in rice.Journal of Plant Physiology,2013,170:93-100.(2011 IF 2.791)全文下载

57.Zheng DC, et al.The nitrate transporter NRT2.1 functions in the ethylene response to nitrate deficiency in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment,2013,DOI:10.1111/pce.12062.(2011 IF 5.215)全文下载

56.Chen G, et al.Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in rice links to NH4+ toxicity and futile NH4+ cycling in roots.Plant and Soil,2013,1-13.(2011 IF 2.733)全文下载

55.Xu WF, et al.Abscisic acid accumulation modulates auxin transport in the root tip to enhance proton secretion for maintaining root growth under moderate water stress. New Phytologist,2013,197(1):139-150.(2011 IF 6.645)全文下载

54.Sun J, et al.Hydrogen sulfide alleviates cadmium toxicity through regulations of cadmium transport across the plasma and vacuolar membranes in Populus euphratica cells. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2013,65(0):67-74.(2011 IF 2.838)全文下载

53.Li T, et al.First cloning and characterization of two functional aquaporin genes from an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices.New Phytologist, 2013,197(2):617-630.(2011 IF 6.645)全文下载

52.Lu YJ, et al.Exogenous hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide and calcium mediate root ion fluxes in two non-secretor mangrove species subjected to NaCl stress. Tree Physiology,2012,33(1):81-95.(2011 IF 2.876)全文下载

51.Wang FF, et al. Overexpression of a poplar two-pore K+ channel enhances salinity tolerance in tobacco cells. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2013,112(1):19-31.(2011 IF 3.09)全文下载

50.Sun J, et al. Non-invasive microelectrode cadmium flux measurements reveal the spatial characteristics and real-time kinetics of cadmium transport in hyperaccumulator and non hyperaccumulator ecotypes of Sedum alfredii. Journal of Plant Physiology,2013,170(3):355-359.(2011 IF 2.791)全文下载

49.Wang P, et al. A Na+/Ca2+ exchanger-like protein (AtNCL) involved in salt stress in Arabidopsis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012, 287(53):44062-70.(2011 IF 4.773)全文下载

48.Sun J, et al. Extracellular ATP signaling is mediated by H2O2 and cytosolic Ca2+ in the salt response of Populus euphratica cells. PLoS ONE, 2012,7(12):e53136.(2011 IF 4.092)全文下载

47.Yue YS,et al.SOS1 gene overexpression increased salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco by maintaining a higher K+/Na+ ratio.Journal of Plant Physiology, 2012,169:255-261.(2011 IF 2.791)全文下载

46.Lin AP,et al.Simultaneous measurements of H+ and O2 fluxes in Zostera marina and its physiological implications. Physiologia Plantarum, 2013,148(4):582-9.(2011 IF 3.112)全文下载

45.Tang Z,et al. Knockdown of a rice stelar nitrate transporter alters long-distance translocation but not root influx. Plant Physiology,2012,160:2052–2063.(Five-Year Impact Factor: 7.016)全文下载

44.Li RF,et al.HbCIPK2, a novel CBL-interacting protein kinase from halophyte Hordeum brevisubulatum, confers salt and osmotic stress tolerance.Plant, Cell & Environment,2012,35(9):1582-1600.(2011IF 5.215)全文下载

43.Xu WF, et al. PIN2 is required for the adaptation of Arabidopsis roots to alkaline stress by modulating proton secretion. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012,287(53):44062-44070.(2011 IF 5.364)全文下载

42.Yang LJ,et al. Uncoupling of K+ and Cl- transport across the cell membrane in the process of regulatory volume decrease.Biochemical Pharmacology,2012,84(3):292-302.(2011 IF 4.705)全文下载

41.Xu J,et al. Comparative physiological responses of Solanum nigrum and Solanum torvum to cadmium stress.New Phytologist ,2012,196(1):125-38.(2011 IF 6.645)全文下载

40.Xu J,et al. Comparative transcriptome analysis of cadmium responses in Solanum nigrum and Solanum torvum. New Phytologist, 2012,196(1):110-24.(2011 IF 6.645)全文下载

39.Li LZ,et al. Pathways of cadmium fluxes in the root of the halophyte Suaeda salsa.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012,75:1-7.(2011 IF 2.294)全文下载

38.Zeng GM,et al. Responses of Phanerochaete chrysosporium to Toxic Pollutants: Physiological Flux, Oxidative Stress, and Detoxification. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012,46(14):7818-7825.(2011 IF 5.228)全文下载

37.Wan YL,et al. The Signal Transducer NPH3 Integrates the Phototropin1 Photosensor with PIN2-Based Polar Auxin Transport in Arabidopsis Root Phototropism. Plant Cell, 2012,24:551-565. 全文下载

36.Huang X,et al. The wheat gene TaST can increase the salt tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports,2012,31:339-347.(2010 IF 2.279)全文下载

35 Li F, et al. Abnormal mitochondrial function impairs calcium influx in diabetic mouse pancreatic beta cells.Chinese Medical Journal ,2012,125,3:502-510.(2011 IF 0.9)全文下载

34. Li J, et al.Paxillus involutus strains MAJ and NAU mediate K+/Na+ homeostasis in ectomycorrhizal Populus × canescens under NaCl stress.Plant Physiology,2012,159(4):1771-86.(Five-Year Impact Factor: 7.016)全文下载

33. Li S, et al. Cadmium impairs ion homeostasis by altering K+ and Ca2+ channel activities in rice root hair cells. Plant, Cell & Environment ,2012,35(11):1998-201全文下载

32. Pan LJ, et al. Effects and mechanisms of store-operated calcium channel blockade on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. World Journal of Gastroenterology,2012,18(4):356-367.(2010 IF 2.240) 全文下载

31. Xu JD, et al. Emodin induces chloride secretion in rat distal colon through activation of mast cells and enteric neurons. British Journal of Pharmacology ,2012,165:197-207.(2010 IF 4.925)全文下载

30.Xu WF, et al. TFT6 and TFT7, two different members of tomato 14-3-3 gene family, play distinct roles in plant adaption to low phosphorus stress. Plant, Cell & Environment ,2012,35(8):1393-1406.(2011 IF 5.215) 全文下载

29.Zhang JT,et al. Arabidopsis fatty acid desaturase FAD2 is required for salt tolerance during seed germination and early seedling growth. PLoS ONE,2012,7(1):e30355.(2010 IF 4.411) 全文下载

28.Chen Z, et al. A novel sediment microbial fuel cell with a biocathode in the rice rhizosphere. Bioresource Technology ,2012,108:55-59.(2010 IF 4.365)  全文下载

27.Ding XD, et al.Synergistic interactions between Glomus mosseae and Bradyrhizobium japonicum in enhancing proton release from nodules and hyphae. Mycorrhiza, 2012,22(1):51-58.(2009 IF 2.65)  全文下载

26.Kong XQ, et al. Effects of non-uniform root zone salinity on water use Na+ recirculation, and Na+ and H+ flux in cotton. Journal of Experimental Botany ,2012,63(5):2105-2116.(2010 IF 4.818) 全文下载

25.Sun J, et al. An ATP signalling pathway in plant cells: extracellular ATP triggers programmed cell death in Populus euphratica. Plant, Cell and Environment,2012,35(5):893-916.(2010 IF 5.081)  全文下载

24.Chen XYet al. Modified noninvasive microtest electrophysiological technology for vacuolar H+ flux detection. Analytical Biochemistry,2011,418:295–297.(2010 IF 3.236)  全文下载

23. HaoLH, et al. Extracellular ATP promotes stomatal opening of Arabidopsis thaliana through heterotrimeric G protein a subunit and reactive oxygen species. Molecular Plant, 2012,5(4):852-64.(2010 IF 4.296) 全文下载

22.He JL, et al. Net cadmium flux and accumulation reveal tissue-specific oxidative stress and detoxification in Populus × canescens. Physiologia Plantarum,2011,143:50-63.(2010 IF 3.067)全文下载

21.Fan JL, et al. Disarrangement of actin filaments and Ca2+ gradient by CdCl2 alters cell wall construction in Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs by inhibiting vesicular trafficking. Journal of Plant Physiology(2011), 2011,168:1157–1167.(2009 IF 2.5)全文下载

20. Li LS, et al. Entacapone promotes cAMP-dependent colonic Cl- secretion in rats. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 2011,23:657-e277.(2009 IF 3.568)全文下载

19.Xu RR, et al. A DExD⁄H box RNA helicase is important for K+ deprivation responses and tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Journal, 2011,278(13):2296–2306.(2010 IF 3.129) 全文下载

18.Zhang XK, et al. Differential Cl-/salt tolerance and NaCl-induced alternations of tissue and cellular ion fluxes in Glycine max, Glycine soja and their hybrid seedlings. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science ,2011,197:329-339.(2009 IF 2.283)全文下载

17. Zhou QY, et al. Net sodium fluxes change significantly at anatomically distinct root zones of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings.Journal of Plant Physiology, 2011,168:1249-1255.(2009 IF 2.5) 全文下载

16. Chen J, et al. Nitric oxide enhances salt secretion and Na+ sequestration in a mangrove plant, Avicennia marina, through increasing the expression of H+-ATPase and Na+/H+ antiporter under high salinity. Tree Physiology, 2010,30:1570-1585.(2009 IF 2.292)全文下载

15.Li Q, et al. Root growth inhibition by NH4+ in Arabidopsis is mediated by the root tip and is linked to NH4+ efflux and GMPase activity. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2010,33:1529-1542.(2009 IF 5.081)全文下载

14.Ma W, et al. Nitric oxide modulates cadmium influx during cadmium-induced programmed cell death in tobacco BY-2 cells. Planta, 2010,232:325-35.(2009 IF 3.372)全文下载

13.Sun J, et al. H2O2and cytosolic Ca2+signals triggered by the PM H+-coupled transport system mediate K+/Na+ homeostasis in NaCl-stressed Populus euphratica cells. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2010,33:943-958.(2008 IF 4.666)全文下载

12.Wang Y,  et al. Disruption of actin filaments induces mitochondrial Ca2+ release to the cytoplasm and [Ca2+]c changes in Arabidopsis root hairs. BMC Plant Biology ,2010,10:53.(2008 IF4.03)   全文下载

11.Yang Y,  et al. The Arabidopsis chaperone J3 regulates the plasma membrane H+-ATPase through interaction with the PKS5 kinase. Plant Cell,2010,22:1313-1332.(Five-Year Impact Factor 10.458) 全文下载

10. 杨光 等. 膜泡相关蛋白OsSEC27P 增强缺铁转基因烟草根的H+分泌. 科学通报,2010,55:1233-1239.(2009 IF 0.898)  全文下载

9.Chen T,  et al. Combined proteomic and cytological analysis of Ca2+-calmodulin regulation in Picea meyeri pollen tube growth. Plant Physiology, 2009,149:1111-1126.(2008 IF6.110)  全文下载

8. Sun J,  et al. Calcium mediates root K+/Na+ homeostasis in poplar species differing in salt tolerance. Tree Physiology, 2009,29:1175-1186.(2008 IF2.283) 全文下载

7. Sun J,  et al. NaCl-induced alternations of cellular and tissue ion fluxes in roots of salt-resistant and salt-sensitive poplar species. Plant Physiology, 2009,149:1141-1153.(2008 IF 6.110)  全文下载

6. Wang Q,  et al. Calmodulin binds to extracellular sites on the plasma membrane of plant cells and elicits a rise in intracellular calcium concentration. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2009,284:12000-12007.(2008 IF5.52)  全文下载

5. Wang YH,  et al. Nitric oxide modulates the influx of extracellular Ca2+ and actin filament organization during cell wall construction in Pinus bungeana pollen tubes. New Phytologist, 2009, 182: 851 - 862.(2008 IF5.178) 全文下载

4. Zhang ZY,  et al. Measuring Ca2+ influxes of TRPC1-dependent Ca2+ channels in HL-7702 cells with Non-invasive Micro-test Technique. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2009,15:4150-4155.(2008 IF2.081) 全文下载

3. Wu X,  et al. Integrative proteomic and cytological analysis of the effects of extracellular Ca2+ influx on Pinus bungeana pollen tube development. Journal of Proteome Research, 2008,7:4299-4312.(2008 IF5.684)   全文下载

2. Xu Yue, Sun Tong, Yin Liping.Application of non-invasive microsensing system to simultaneously measure both H+ and O2 fluxes around the pollen tube. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology , 2006,48:823-831.  全文下载

1. 印莉萍,上官宇,许越.非损伤性扫描离子选择电极技术及其在高等植物研究中的应用.自然科学进展, 2006,16:262-266. 全文下载